where the world is perfect but i am not

Friday, February 27, 2009

Just an update

Actually, I don't have much to say. The week had passed by very quickly as I spend my time learning chinese myself. I have been reading unrelated materials to Economics, and I think I should be doing Asian studies and Philosophy instead. But what the heck, I can't change that now can I? Economics rule the world anyway ;-) (Yea right!)

I hope by the end of this semester, my chinese language level will reach at least 5th Grade. (Fingers crossed)

Have been sleeping quite alot these days. I wonder if it's because of the change in diet, yes, I don't get to eat as many types of food like in Penang, most of my meals are bread with butter and jam. And sometimes my lunch will be eight pieces of grilled chicken nuggets. No more no less.

Maybe again it's because of the change in weather. My feet is recovering, probably because it is much cooler and drier here. But then I still need to apply medication as it peels off easily and because the medication contains steriods, it thins my skin everytime I apply. Sigh, what a tough life.

Anyway, despite not having much to say, I think I've said quite alot. Guess I could spend some of my time with Economics now that I am actually blogging.

P/S: I can't wait for the next semester break. How's your weekend?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Human beings

Never forgets the truth.

They just get better at lying.

Dr.Brian Weiss has proven scientifically that reincarnation exists, something that Buddhism has stated 5000 years ago.

Very interesting.

Somebody once said, "学佛是人生最高的享受." I'm starting to believe it's really true.

佛教根本都不是迷信. 终于明白这句话的意识了. 只是一个好教育, 不是个中教.


Hope you have a great weekend! Cheers ;-)

Monday, February 16, 2009


Knowing what you have got comma
Knowing what you need comma
Knowing what you can live without dash
THAT is inventory control.

P/S: Sometimes to realise when life is actually hopeless and empty could be a good start in searching for another path to walk on. An end marks a beginning, a beginning is an end. It takes real guts to realise hopelessness.



都把自爱看成自我. 天呀, 智慧在哪?

Monday, February 09, 2009

Have you ever thought of it?

When we travel along the streets, we hear noises of cars and people and hawker stalls talking, honking and trying to make demand for themselves. These noises are mind boggling, if you are sick or having a migrane, you will definitely scream your head off at all the noises.

On the other hand, when you are on top of a mountain looking down at those same streets, why then does the same picture looks and feels so different? We will look at the muted world from the top, and everything seem so peaceful and serene.

What theory is this?

Could it metaphorically mean something?

Sunday, February 08, 2009

False alarm

Realised laptop is not fixed. Date and time keep running out each time AGAIN! UGH!!!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

For the first time

in months!

Today is at least a happy day because I have fixed my laptop MYSELF and all misunderstanding with good friend is settled once and for all!!!!!!!!!~

AHHH..... so nice feeling indeed!!

Thanks for being happy for me (if you are) if not, doesn't matter.

Happy Chinese New Year.

Cheers and oh ya, thank you for everyone who came, although I realised some didn't turn up for lame reasons like I did not extent specific invitations to them, but what the heck, get on facebook for god's sake. Anyway for those who turned up, thanks again and please bring bak kua next time you visit my house k ;-)