where the world is perfect but i am not

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sequal of the return

After two hours of electronic procrastination of trying to change my blog template, I gave up.

If some of you have not known, I am now back at the place where I was born. The last I checked my bank account has got less than RM500 and AUD500. Following that I realised I actually do not have enough to stay at the hotel while I am back for a month. So I have decided out of no financial options that I would move back to Little Maks.

The neighbourhood dog is not pleased but it is my family home and I AM entitled to live here. He told me yesterday, that at 23 entitlement no longer come to play. Then I pointed out to him that under the Malaysian Law, there is no statute of limitation when it comes to returning home to stay. He could not bear the sight of sharing the crowds' attention upon my return and walked away mumbling 'sniffblooo.' I decided not to tolerate his unwelcoming behavior.

So here I am again, in my old bedroom. Older, wiser and living the joy of sleeping on the old bed among my dusty collection of books. Once I had finished unpacking my possessions I was staggered at how little clothes I have. After that I went down to make myself a cold drink and as a drop of sweat was about to crucially drop, I saw the dog walking over to me with the newspaper as peace-offering.

I said 'No.'

He left head hanged, permanently exhausted.



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