where the world is perfect but i am not

Monday, September 25, 2006

A piece of mind

It is a nice feeling to be home. Unlike when I was younger, I am now trying to stay home as long as I could. Staying somewhere else across the ocean doesn’t really sound as appealing to me anymore. Maybe I have grown to be more reclusive than I already was.

I must admit, I am not keen in blogging any more than I used to be. I am retreating much to reading more than writing. Perhaps it is because reading and absorbing what is being written is easier than writing itself.

There are many things to be done though I am on a week’s break. This break at least, reminds me that there is time to change. Perhaps soon I will find out if I am overrated, or have fallen from a shooting star without a permanent scar.

Sometimes it is inevitable to fall. No matter how hard you try, you know you will eventually fall. When there is nothing around for you to hold on to, you close your eyes and let go, without hope to retain survival. The only thing good about falling, is you give your friends a chance to catch you; so it hurts that much less.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

In memory of Steve Irwin

When I first heard about the death of Steve Irwin, I kept quite. I remember dad told me he was dead a few months ago, eaten alive by a crocodile he attempted for the public. What a shame for me to believe that – Crikey!

Now that I know the news was not real, I undergo more of distress than comfort. Strangely, it is at times like this when you would rather not know the truth, because the truth brings along painful realization.

Whenever the crocodile hunter puts on a show for the public, whenever we enjoy the adrenaline rushing through ourselves on the television - is when the animals feel distress and agitated.

Perhaps now the animals are weeping solemnly among us. With only one difference in line – while we weep with desperation for the loss of a hero; they weep with recognition for the revenge of their mates.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Boy's gone

What will happen to a face in the crowd when it finally gets too crowded?
And will happen to the origins of sound after all the sounds have sounded?
Well I hope I never have to see that day but by god I know it's headed our way
So I better be happy now that the boy's going home. The boy's gone home.

And what becomes of a day for those who rage against it and who will sum op the phrase for all left standing around in it?

Well I suppose we'll all make our judgement call
We'll walk it alone, stand up tall, then march to the fall
So we better be happy now that we'll all go home.

Be so happy with the way you are
Be so happy that you made it this far
Go on be happy now. Please be happy now.

I tried to live my life and live it so well
But when it's all over is it heaven or is it hell
I better be happy now that no one can tell,
Nobody knows I'm gonna be happy with the way that I am
I'm gonna be happy with all that I stand for I'm gonna be happy now
Because the boy's going home.

The boy's gone home.