First month home
I have done most of the things that I have thought of doing. Have given away almost all things that I have bought as gifts to them. My wishes to see the people I have not seen for a few months have been accomplished.
Yet there is still something left unattended inside.
I realised some people are not particularly expecting my return. There have been a few occasions when what I had previously hoped for will not come true. Now as I visit the same places again, a different feeling arises.
Yet there is still something left unattended inside.
I realised some people are not particularly expecting my return. There have been a few occasions when what I had previously hoped for will not come true. Now as I visit the same places again, a different feeling arises.
I have thought wrong.
I have thought wrong about several matters.
The smile that I had returned for, where is it?
Sometimes you may take for granted that you are important to the people around you.
But what are your importance to them?
Nothing -
How stupid.
22 years of life and I am still stupid.