where the world is perfect but i am not

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The trouble with life is

It is too short but for now, I have safely survived through the first quarter, completing the second quarter very soon. That is if I do.

So far, I have found out that life can be quite burdensome when there is too much sense of responsibilities and no ability to fulfill them.

A good practical example would be; imagine yourself waking up in the morning, dressed up in your best outfit, brimming with a smile feeling happy because you are on your way to fulfill your responsibility as a student, or a teacher, or a pilot, or a cook, or even a bus driver, only to find the bus service down.

So you see this somehow affects your ability to fulfill your respective responsibilities no matter how eager you are trying to be a responsible person.

Tip: Don’t blame it on yourself. It’s always the transport minister’s fault.

Subsequently I have also found out that the most important thing is to put aside other people’s hopes and ignore their expectations.

Another practical example for this would be, imagine you are on a road trip to New Zealand and your children have each requested for their own individual imported gift. Of course they would be looking forward for the day you eventually return home with their presents.

Each one with their own level of high hopes and towering expectations only to be deeply disappointed when you brought back nothing but a bar of Almond Cadburys you got from the nearby local petrol station.

So you see this somehow shows that a man cannot sail through life having everything his way. The only thing they could do is to keep up their spirits when things do not go as they would like.

Tip: Tell them pleasant surprises come when least expected. If they start to cry or yell at you, email them in capital, ‘YES DARLING, I’M SORRY LIFE IS UNFAIR.’

There is a saying, ‘If every hill is the highest peak, there will be no more peaks.’ I think it means that a person cannot be on a pinnacle all his life. He has to be over the valley sometimes. Or under it.

It is no point trying too hard to remain at the pinnacle, because by then you will forget why you were there at the first place.

Similarly you don’t stop to start thinking if it was worthy to be there, because by then it would have lost its worthiness already.


Blogger Alyssa Ng said...


i agree with what you said here. sometimes, it is best to just do things at your own liking.. and not placing too much hopes on things / people who are not appreciating everything that you've done.

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you. . .

5:58 PM  
Blogger 毓涵 said...

ally: thanks, as always :)

jobie: what happened to your blog?

3:13 PM  

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