where the world is perfect but i am not

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

It is not the thought that counts

Somebody once told me, "It is okay to just drop by to say Happy Birthday empty handed, because it is really the thought that matters most.”

The saying ‘It is the thought that matters,’ I think, must have came from the person who had forgotten to buy her gifts until the last minute of 9 o’clock Christmas Eve, or the first night of the wedding anniversary, or the eve of St. Patrick’s or just minutes before the twilight of a friend’s birthday.

So c’mon, if it is really the thought that counts, then why don’t we always tell people what we were thinking when we were scrambling to buy them their last minute panic gift – it was less than twenty dollars and I hardly would see them anyway.

Fact is, we don’t say these things because it is not the thought of the giver that counts. The thought that counts is the thought the getter is thinking after the wrapper has been torn away.

If we are really thoughtful, we would buy presents that they could in turn give away to other people when they see their names on the shopping list. They could unwrap a gift which is already a wrapped gift with their nephew’s name on the tag, ready to go. We just gave them less three hours to waste at the shopping mall, now THAT is thoughtful.

Frankly, it takes such a thought and creativity to decide what would make a good gift to someone.

You have to consider what the other person likes, what they have, what they care about, what they need. Basically, it is something you have to invest a lot of your time in, and since time is something none of us have anymore, we give them the ten years picture framed on our wall. It looks like a gift. It seems like a gift though they may not even use it after that.

C’mon tell me a date where you don’t put aside useless gifts?

Yet because we are all so good at acting, it is hard to tell when someone really likes or dislikes the gift we give them. So here is a quick checklist to consider when they receive your gift:-

1) They say, “I love it!!!” If they say I love it, you can be sure they hate it. Loving a photo frame, makes no sense. So clearly they are overcompensating for the feeling of guilt and shame about the deeper feeling of anger and resentment that they have about being given a photo frame for whatever occasion we give them. Or maybe they are just overwhelmed by the idea of getting such a personal utilitarian gift after ten years of friendship.

2) They say, “Thank you.” Thank you is such a loaded word, imperceptible and full of irony. However, special circumstances apply when they stop, sigh and stare deeply into your eyes before they say it. Then they are most probably an imposter.

3) They say, “Where did you get it??” Sometimes I think, why don’t you just say, “Does the store give refunds so I can return it and finally get something that I actually want?”

Of course, the best gifts of all gifts – are handmade gifts. Unreturnable, Unusable, unsightly, unfun. These are of course, some of the words you can use to describe handmade gifts, unless you are related to a talented furniture maker, clothing designer or Van Gogh.

My point is, when considering giving a gift to someone else, please consider, “Is this the gift that I would like to get?”

There you have it, I have stated down my point, enough said.

With all these in mind, get out there and let the people you care about most know exactly how much you are thinking about them by giving them fun, useful and exciting gifts. Then, after shopping for two hours and you realize you don’t know what their interests are, give up and go to the sections where products sold are exchangeable.


Blogger Alyssa Ng said...

gift/present hunting is never an easy task. had to consider so many things - price, quality, brand (sometimes), size, quantity and most importantly, whether the person who will receive it, like it or not.

there was one time, i got a friend just a Me to You chocolate bar and a birthday card. i felt so small when i see the other presents (branded shirts, money, gift vouchers etc) this friend of mine received. but then, he comforted me and say, "i love chocolate the most!"

i guess i was lucky that time. sometimes, i don't even know what i want as presents/gifts/souveniers. :P

i still believe on "it is the thought that counts". in a way, it is comforting to yourself as well as to the other.

11:12 PM  
Blogger Genova said...

apa ini birthday girl ?

4:40 AM  
Blogger 毓涵 said...

ally: your friend a popular film star or something? as far as i remembered, i never ever got any gift vouchers. but THAT is a thoughtful gift :-)

genova: apa apa ini?

5:37 PM  
Blogger wonderbunny said...

checklist #1.
quite true. personally, i am not much of a gift-taker. It happens when one of my course mates gave me a top for my birthday, i was like... acting so fake and thanking her. Hahaha.

And i know your birthday is coming, so... HAPPY BIRHTDAY! :P

it's tomoro from my posting day, if i'm not mistaken. Haha.

9:56 PM  
Blogger suYin said...

happy birthday =)

the thought counts...

1, 2, 3, ... , n


2:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i found it interesting that this blogs come at such timely manner...
when it's near ur birthday.
so, first of all, happie birthday!!
it's been really nice conversing with u, although we never met in years...

i know i haven't dropped by in ages...
i read everything u write all the time... find them therapeutic cuz i can relate to them, and even if there are times i dun agree with some things, i'm just happy to listen to refreshingly different thoughts that u put forward...

i just read in a friend's blog on how a person she met thru her blogs have become one of her closest frens altho they've never met before..
and i thought the idea was all too intriguing...
that people you never meet before or the most unlikely people are the people that u can really relate to the most....
and it's interesting how the only way you can converse with them is thru blogs or emails..

i hope i'm not freaking you out...
on ur birthday, i just wanted you to know that i'm really grateful that someone like you exists, including all your human limitations, ur anger, ur dissatisfaction, ur insecurities and lack of confidence at some moments and ur confidence at others,
cuz all this makes you, you and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

so, i hope u'll see urself the way we do and be happy that when u turn 22, u're appreciate by many.

so, happy birthday!!!

and it's me...Felicita

3:46 AM  
Blogger 毓涵 said...

erlynda: you come by once a year but its nice to hear from you anyway :-)
of course i know i'm right, just agree that it's not the thought that counts.

suyin: thank you. blow my candles :-)

fga: boy was that a long interesting piece of writing! such a good thing to read especially early in the morning like this...makes a good day to begin with. it's good to know u read all that i write, regardless of writing a comment on it or not.And yea, its true sometimes its easier to correspond with a stranger than it is to someone we know. More often than not, worse if there is a formal relationship in between EG. a student and lecturer, boss and subordinate and such. I've learned its best to keep the professionalism in place, even when you feel you can relate very much and think some friendship can blossom out of nothing, it's always best to remain a distance under such circumstances.

Thank you for dropping by anyways. I have been thinking that most probably it is you, have even told evelyn about it, but was waiting for you to clarify and introduce yourself of course, without jumping to conclusions.

It's been ages since we met true. kalau ada jodoh nanti bolehla jumpa lagi :-)

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


weirdly enough, that's how i feel...
i mean, about maintaining a distance...
sometimes, it just works better that way...

been talking to evelyn about it? wow...
not bad..u did kinda figure it out..

well then, see you around den...
in ur blogs, i mean.

12:00 PM  
Blogger Alyssa Ng said...

happy birthday, agnes! XD

6:19 PM  
Blogger 毓涵 said...

felicita: finally, a proper name. yes, will hope to see you around, the blog i mean.

ally: terima kasih.

11:05 AM  
Blogger [ - eVe - ] said...

haha... it is felicita. wat a surprise she gave u on ur bday.

yea, to me, handmade gifts are the best. it represents ur sincerity too. =D i remembered u made a card with bsb faces on it. aha. am still keeping it. appie bday again.

10:32 PM  

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