where the world is perfect but i am not

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Testimonial I by Amy Keoh, University of South Australia

One of the reasons I consented to writing this testimonial for the malaysian reject is because I strongly believe that she is the ideal candidate which would fit the requirement that you specified for.

As a person who has known her for quite long, I have come to conclude that she has a level of perseverance to rival just about any person I have ever known. Believe me, as a student studying pharmacy, perseverance is probably the only thing one needs in order to move forward.

Throughout the years of knowing her, I have come to realized that she does not openly reveal the various difficulties that she faces. Hence, do not be fooled by her nonchalant looks or her small stature. She is highly talented, balancing her science-orientated studies with her piano lessons. I am very proud to say that she is also extremely resourceful. Throughout Form Six, she has managed to put her musical talents to good use by working for a ballet school. She plays the piano for seven hours as a means to be self-dependent. This is another reason why you should consider her as a favourable candidate to receive the scholarship. It proves that she is a person with goals and will work not only hard but smart towards that goal.

Besides that, she is a walking example of a person who manages her time well. During our years in high school, she was basically a person who wore many hats. She was our ever-dependable class monitor for several years, not to mention playing the role of Tutor of the school Chess Club. I was really impressed with her skills in chess as she really took the time to study the various strategies from books and newspaper articles. Whenever she faced difficulties in studies, she will always ask for help and clarification from other classmates. There you have it, a candidate who improves herself by doing self-study.

Moreover, she has amazing skills in articulating ideas and highly-mature thoughts. For someone so small in stature, her views and opinions are highly-regarded by all alike.

Just like any other person, this reject might have several flaws. However, you can have the peace of mind knowing that it will not affect her performance or her motivation in achieving her goals.

P/S: Thank you again Amy, for such wonderful white lies (Yeah, they sounded real).


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