where the world is perfect but i am not

Monday, October 22, 2007


1) When a close friend is awakened to the person you truly are, when he/she keeps silent and stops persuading after the first time. Does this mean he/she has accepted you for who you are OR he/she has decided to give up and let you go?

2) Good things come in small packages. Does it mean we should be happy with small changes?

3) In this life we don’t always understand; miracles do happen. Just not at the time we want them to. Do we have no expectations then, OR do we hang on to hopes?

4) A good person is one who will learn from his/her mistakes. If given the chance to do it all over again they would do it differently. I’m still working on that. I’m still not sure if I would go the different route. What a person does this make me?


Blogger [ - eVe - ] said...

heya...dropping by =)
thx for ur comments.
really tough questions la. aha...
cant crack my brain to solve them. it's even harder than maths problems. hehe!

cause life is life. everything is unpredictable. no one has the precise answer for everything that happens in our lives. all we can do is to tell ourselves : everything happens for a reason.

3:17 PM  
Blogger suYin said...

Well, I don't see the reason why we shouldn't be happy with small changes, provided that they are for the better. Sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit..

No expectations gives no hope. At least if there's hope, er, there is hope? lol. It's better to have something to hope for, rather than keeping it empty. At least, that's what I think. But I don't deny, when you hope, you've got to be ready for possible disappointment..

Everyone (I believe) would want to turn back time and undo their mistakes. If given the chance, of course I want too. But reality says No. So we're all the same =)

7:55 PM  
Blogger 毓涵 said...

What i meant was there's probably sthing wrong with me that if given the chance i am not sure if i want to go the different route. If given the chance, i might just not change my mind and walk the same path again. Perhaps the mistake was one of the highlights of my life. The moments when you know you are wrong but you still do it anyway.

11:59 PM  
Blogger j0bie said...

no#1 If he/she could read my
no#2 BIG nor SMALL...
Keikhlasan dari hati sudah
no#3 Humpty Dumpty
no#4 I keep making same stupid
mistake even knowing it.
So how???

12:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just be yourself and time will give you the true answer.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Alyssa Ng said...

it has been long since i give your blog post a comment.. but thanks for your messages in my blog's chatterbox.. =)

anyway, i guess a friend normally accepts you for who you are regardless of whether your true self has been revealed or not. a true friend just be there for you no matter what happens.. he/she usually stays.. =)

big or small changes doesn't really matter as long as you are happy..

you can have expectations and hoping is advisable.

i guess everyone would want to change some part of their life if they were given a chance to mend it. i will too. but so far, i am accepting the fact that when things happened, just let it be. i just move on.. =)

9:31 PM  
Blogger 毓涵 said...

Thank you for such encouraging support and taking the time to comment.

I suppose its true that time will eventually make u realise many things, just too bad its not an absolute measurement. And to a certain extent its true also that friends normally stay regardless of which mask you wear or tear, tho stimes its even more true to say friendship can be subtle and fragile.

Thanks again for all the comments. Just when I thought 'letting it be' wasnt the only option for me, you all confirmed the contrary. Bah :)

9:30 AM  
Blogger shsysh said...

i guess i should answer this one by one.hmwell.

1.intentions are always something questionable.if a friend is awakened to the person that we truly are, s/he keeps silent and stops persuading after the first time, it could mean both things.s/he could probably has accepted you for who you are or decided to give up and let you go.it could also mean a whole of different possibilities like s/he couldnt care any less or s/he is not even bothered.though it's nice to know the answer,it is usually better off if we assume the best out of that person.(though i might not necessarily do what i say.ehhehe)

2.this is an interesting question.i think i have to agree with it.it's like going to a store to buy candy and finding out that you're out of small changes, ending up having to use bigger notes to pay for a small candy.this probably might not be the best example.but what i'm trying to say is,sometimes little things make us realise how important something is when we dont have them.but often never do we appreciate them when they are around.that's why we should strive for more and just leave it to fate.dont expect something in return.surprises never fails to make us happy dont they?

3.both expectation and hope are important.this might contradict what i said earlier.but in this context,what i mean by expectations are aims and objectives.we should have something to guide us in doing something,and hang on to hopes to persevere ourselves.i might want to add another thing; faith.that should probably come first.faith determines our principles.i think faith too distinguishes us from animals,aside from having thinking brains and them not.

4.uncertainties are what makes us human and human makes mistakes.there are some points in life i wish i could relive and choosing the same route.there are points i wish i have taken some other routes.it does not make you any different/ any better/ any worse if you choose the same route or a different route.it all depends on what you are searching for this time and how you are going to approach it.

i have always looked up upon those who have found what they have been searching for.particularly if they find it at a young age.questions are a good starting point ;)

3:09 PM  
Blogger 毓涵 said...

Finding what you are looking for depends on what you are finding and where you set the benchmark. Suppose one day when one stops finding, he would have realised that he'd actually found everything he'd always been looking for.

Thank you for taking the time fish.

5:01 PM  
Blogger shsysh said...

true that too :)

4:08 PM  

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